Exercising the duty to inform
As of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became applicable due to the entry into force of regulation no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of 27 April 2016 which aims to regulate the protection, processing and freedom of circulation of personal data of individuals and that is directly applicable to all entities who, in any member state of the European Union (EU), Portugal included, proceed to personal data processing.
This communication aims to inform you of the new rules applicable to your personal data processing, of your rights and to inform you of how you can directly manage your consents under the terms imposed by the GDPR.
Thus, and because the gathered data compel the Controller, in this case ADESS, to continuously supply the information arising from article 14 of the GDPR, this information is considered to be given by reading this document.
Your data will be processed by:
ADESS, the entity responsible by your personal data processing and by assuring the protection of your privacy and the security of your data, always acting in accordance with the regulation.
If you wish, you can contact our company using the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or through the postal address present at the end of this information.
Our records include data obtained through the commercial and/or contractual relation established with you following the several interactions existing between us.
Besides the situations in which we process data for the fulfilment of legal impositions we process your personal data, which include your name, address, tax identification number, telephone (landline or mobile phone) and e-mail, with the following purposes:
Marketing and publicity purposes – your personal data will only be processed for marketing purposes, in promoting activities and events organized by ADESS and in promoting the services we provide. These communications, released by e-mail, are intended to give you knowledge of the news, the new car models, built by ADESS, and our participation in sports events that you might be interested in following up.
All your gathered data is informatically processed and stored in specific databases, which ADESS manages for this purpose and the storage time of the data may vary according to the purpose for which it was gathered but only for the time period necessary for the service provision, invoicing and fulfilment of the legal obligations upon you, observing their conservation, the secrecy securities and confidentiality envisioned by the GDPR.
For marketing and publicity purposes, the gathered data are stored for a maximum period of 5 (five) years, counting from the consent gathering date without prejudice of you being able to withdraw your consent at all times under the terms of the GDPR.
Your personal data may be shared with ADESS service providers for the purpose of the service provision hired with this third parties and transmitted to que judicial, fiscal and regulation authorities for the fulfilment of legal impositions incumbent on you. In their turn, those entities grant the necessary safety and protection measures over de personal data submitted for assuring that they are not spread, lost or used in an inappropriate or unauthorized manner.
If you want to update your data or the information's ADESS already registered, you should access our website using the SUBSCRIBE NEWSLETTER link, fill the form available online and give your express consent so that ADESS can continue to use your data for marketing and publicity purposes. Otherwise, your data will be removed from the existing database.
At any moment and within the limits of the contract and of the regulation you have the right to ask ADESS, who is responsible for your data processing, using the aforementioned e-mail, for access to your personal data as well as its correction or deletion; the right to limit the processing regarding the data subject or the right to oppose the processing, and the right to data portability. For this end, you can ask for a specific document to exercise this right.
You can withdraw the consent regarding this processing at any given time, without undermining the legality of the processing based on the consent per se, every time the data processing is based on the data subject's consent or when this consent is necessary to the fulfilment of obligations, for exercising specific rights of the processing controller or of the data subject, or for legitimate interests maintained by the processing controller or by third parties.
You also have the right to be notified under the terms foreseen in the regulation, in case of breach of your personal data and can submit a complain before the proper authority(ies).
We are committed to the protection and confidentiality of your personal data and through this, we have taken the technical and organizational measures necessary to comply with the GDPR, in order to ensure that the personal data that you provide us is lawful, fair and transparent and limited to the authorized purposes, and so the measures considered adequate to ensure the accuracy, integrity and confidentiality of their personal data as well as the full exercise of all your rights under this regulation.
ADESS reserves the right to, at any given moment, change this privacy policy and commits to, in case those changes are relevant enough to compromise the conditions for the consent that you already provided, contact you with the purpose of renewing that consent.
Having no other subject at the moment, we present our highest consideration,